Open Orchestra 2025

Saturday 8th February

On Saturday 8th February 2025, 86 musicians met at John Hanson School in Andover to take part in Andover Light Orchestra’s Open Orchestra Day, where musicians gathered to enjoy a fun day of music-making, which culminated in a play-through of the pieces practised to an audience at the end of the day.

The music played varied music from tunes by Bach, John Miles and David Bowie, to an exhilarating rendition of Jupiter by Gustav Holst. The feedback received by the orchestra was extremely positive, and they hope to reach 90+ musicians next year.

To register your interest in the next Open Orchestra Day please email

Open Orchestra Day 2025

09.45amArrive and set up
10.00amWelcome and begin playing
11.15amRefreshment break
11.30amResume playing
1.45pmResume playing
3.00pmRefreshment break
3.30pmPlay-through of music worked on

Following the break for tea, coffee and cake (approx. 3.30pm) we will play through some of the music we have worked on.


We are planning a varied programme, including:

Bach Chorale 135
The Magnificent Seven – Elmer Bernstein
A Queen Medley – Freddy Mercury and Mike Moran
Main Title (I Had a Farm in Africa) – John Barry
Last of the Mohicans – Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman
The Legend of King Arthur – Kevin Riley


Booking details for the 2026 Open Orchestra Day will be available closer to the time.


John Hanson Community School
Floral Way
SP10 3PB

More information

If you have any questions about the day, please contact us: